
For quoting blocks of content from another source within your document.

Default Blockquote

Use this example to quote an external source inside a blockquote element.

"A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element."

<blockquote class="text-xl italic font-semibold
                                          text-gray-900 ">
                                    <p>"A well-known quote, contained in
                                    a blockquote element."</p>

Solid Background

This example can be used as an alternative style to the default one by applying a solid background color.

"A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element."

<blockquote class="p-4 my-4 border-s-4 border-gray-300
                                          bg-gray-50 ">
                                    <p class="text-xl italic font-medium
                                          leading-relaxed text-gray-900 ">"A well-known quote, contained in
                                    a blockquote element."</p>
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