
Use an ordered or unordered list with linked list items to create a minimally styled breadcrumb. Use our utilities to add additional styles as desired.


To create bulleted or numeric lists, use the .list-disc and .list-decimal utilities.

  • Now this is a story all about how, my life got flipped turned upside down
  • And I like to take a minute and sit right here
  • I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

  1. Now this is a story all about how, my life got flipped turned upside down
  2. And I like to take a minute and sit right here
  3. I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

  • Now this is a story all about how, my life got flipped turned upside down
  • And I like to take a minute and sit right here
  • I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
<ul class="list-disc list-inside">
                                    <li>Now this is a story all about how,
                                    my life got flipped turned upside down</li>
                                    <li>And I like to take a minute and
                                    sit right here</li>
                                    <li>I'll tell you how I became the
                                    prince of a town called Bel-Air</li>
                                    <br />
                                    <ol class="list-decimal list-inside">
                                    <li>Now this is a story all about how,
                                    my life got flipped turned upside down</li>
                                    <li>And I like to take a minute and
                                    sit right here</li>
                                    <li>I'll tell you how I became the
                                    prince of a town called Bel-Air</li>
                                    <br />
                                    <ul class="list-none list-inside">
                                    <li>Now this is a story all about how,
                                    my life got flipped turned upside down</li>
                                    <li>And I like to take a minute and
                                    sit right here</li>
                                    <li>I'll tell you how I became the
                                    prince of a town called Bel-Air</li>

List marker

Style the counters or bullets in lists using the `marker` modifier:

  • FAQ
  • License
  • Terms & Conditions
<ul role="list" class="marker:text-indigo-600 list-disc ps-5
                                          space-y-2 text-base">
                                    <li>Terms & Conditions</li>

List Group

The most basic list group is an unordered list with list items.

  • Profile
  • Settings
  • Newsletter
<ul class="max-w-xs flex flex-col">
                                       class="inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 py-3
                                          px-4 text-base font-medium bg-white border border-gray-300 text-gray-600
                                          -mt-px first:rounded-t-lg first:mt-0 last:rounded-b-lg"
                                       class="inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 py-3
                                          px-4 text-base font-medium bg-white border border-gray-300 text-gray-600
                                          -mt-px first:rounded-t-lg first:mt-0 last:rounded-b-lg"
                                       class="inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 py-3
                                          px-4 text-base font-medium bg-white border border-gray-300 text-gray-600
                                          -mt-px first:rounded-t-lg first:mt-0 last:rounded-b-lg"

List group Active Items

Add .active to a .list-group-item to indicate the current active selection.

  • Profile
  • Settings
  • Newsletter
<ul class="max-w-xs flex flex-col">
                                       class="active inline-flex items-center gap-x-2
                                          py-3 px-4 text-base font-medium border border-indigo-600 text-white -mt-px
                                          first:rounded-t-lg first:mt-0 last:rounded-b-lg bg-indigo-600"
                                       class="inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 py-3
                                          px-4 text-base font-medium bg-white border border-gray-300 text-gray-600
                                          -mt-px first:rounded-t-lg first:mt-0 last:rounded-b-lg"
                                       class="inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 py-3
                                          px-4 text-base font-medium bg-white border border-gray-300 text-gray-600
                                          -mt-px first:rounded-t-lg first:mt-0 last:rounded-b-lg"


Add .active to a .list-group-item to indicate the current active selection.


Remove some borders and rounded corners to render list group items edge-to-edge in a parent container (e.g., cards).

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